Today, we are living with numerous and various lives. And we are connected with each other on the earth. We know that we cannot live without help of other organisms because we also are part of the organisms of earth. So, our behavior affects a number of lives on the earth. Recently, because of environmental change such as global warming deepening, many animals’ lives are threatened. Beluga Wales are one of the animals that are in danger. Beluga whale, melon headed and white, was an animal in my dream. Beluga, or white whale, can make various and silvery sounds, so they are often called canaries of the sea (Atkinson, 2007) or magicians of the sea. They always like
to make a group of scores or hundreds of beluga. So, this whale has a strong relation with its companions. Grand sights of Belugas’ group that are seen from planes excite many viewers. Beluga has a very characteristic appearance. Their personality is pliable; their body is soft and more flexible than other whales. And, they have mostly one baby every two or three years (Pfeiffer, 2007). So, they still have to worry about their population. Now, their population is not many in the ocean anymore and their habitats are also decreasing more because of the environmental change, various whaling, and human effect about beluga. According to Joling (2008), a concern for the low population of beluga whales in Cook Inlet was regarded seriously for many years. They inhabit mostly Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. The Beluga feeds on salmon, smaller fish, crab, shrimp, squid and clams. However the numerous sea lives are moving or disappearing as sea temperature is rising because of global warming now. It affects the food chain, and in the end, makes it difficult for the Beluga to get feed. Moreover, Inuit whale hunters in northern Quebec are continuing. They cannot stop that, because the whaling is an important source for their survival (Blatchford, 2008).
I am sure that numerous lives on the earth are going in danger. I know that Beluga whales’ population is not many in the ocean anymore and their habitats are also decreasing more. Actually, Beluga is regarded as an endangered animal in some countries. “The beluga whale in Alaska’s Cook Inlet has been named an endangered species, and the federal government cited oil and gas development in the area as one of the reasons that the species is struggling to survive” (Galbraith, 2008, para. 1). They face a number of dangers such as developing of the ocean, whaling under the name of scientific purpose, and noise because of human activity. And global warming is too. The earth is warming more because of carbon dioxide. Besides, Beluga whales are affected by environmental change even though it is a small variation in temperature. Moreover, the environmental pollution is a fatal menace to Beluga Whales. We know that the greatest factor of the environmental pollution is the human. Therefore, we have to be interested in protecting them. Also, the government should encourage people to have environmental consciousness about Beluga whales facing danger, and should make the strong provisions to protect them. And it is clearly true that they need help for their existence.
First, we have to get interested in the environmental change that affects the Beluga.
Environment is changing. Now, sea temperature is increasing more and more because of global warming, which greenhouse gas made. Climate change affects the environment negatively. “Our changing climate is already affecting a wide range of migratory species” (Hirsch, 2005, para. 15). Because of the change, many Beluga whales already have started to move to another place for searching their habitat. However, there are not many choices anymore. So, they are dying because there are no places for them. Subtle changes of temperature are affecting a wild scope. And it deprived them of food in the oceans. The rising of sea temperature causes the death of organisms in the ocean such as plankton. “Even subtle changes in sea temperature can have dramatic impacts on wildlife with rapid depletion of the tiny plankton organisms which form the base of the food web in the oceans” (Hirsch, 2005, para. 15). Plankton is the basis of the constitution of the sea. So, if plankton disappears, most sea lives will be exterminated. It means that the food of Belugas also have disappeared from the ocean, because the plankton is the feed of most sea creatures “This is thought to have contributed to a recent drastic decline in the breeding success of some Scottish seabirds, as the fish on which they depend were suddenly deprived of food” (Hirsh, 2005, para. 18). As a result, the rising of the sea level because of global warming also causes the decrease in their feeds.
Second, we have to find a way to protect Beluga from whaling. There are three types of whaling on the earth. One is for survival, another is for research, and the other is recklessly done by countries that approve of whaling as legal. Inuit whale hunters in northern Quebec are continuing the whaling. They cannot stop that, because the whaling of Beluga is an important source for their survival (Blatchford, 2008). In addition, we should maintain close watch on whaling for scientific research data about whales. Most countries have a ban on whaling today. However, numerous whales are still caught by people who have a scientific purpose under name of scientific research even though they do not need to catch them. Moreover, numerous countries such as Japan, Russia, Chile, and Peru still approve of whaling because they do not feel that whale is threatened. Norway represents a whaling country. Furthermore, in the case of Canada, they ignore the counsel that bans whaling from the International Whaling Commission (IWC) (Blatchford, 2008). Although Belugas live to a great age and their viability is high, the number of dying Belugas is increasing because of pollution or accidents every year. In addition, they propagate themselves very slowly, because they breed just a young in two or three years. So, if whaling is even continued by the people, the whales will disappear in the near future. So, if whaling is even continued by the people, the whales will disappear in the near future. It is really dangerous for the Beluga’s population.
Finally, we have to protect Beluga from human activity. Belugas, which are called canaries of the sea, communicate with each other by a variety of sounds. Belugas are sensitive in hearing. However, now, they are losing their sense of direction through being annoyed by noises; the noise pollution that makes Belugas die comes from searching for crude oil, natural gas, and increasing volume of vessels traffic. And, industrial waste that occurred through indiscreet development by people who only pursue their profit and events such as oil spill causes the cancer to Beluga. The noise and pollution connected with industrialization of the inlet prevents recovery. Therefore, we should make a treaty to require the equipment for prevention of noise of everyone who makes noise that affects the Beluga in the ocean. In addition, the intimidation of tourists who have no consciousness is one source. Most tourists do not know the perils that Beluga whales face. Some tourists do not even recognize how they affect Belugas whales with their behavior and approach. So, they need education before they go to see the Belugas.
Some time ago, according to Jolings (2008), the government proclaimed that the beluga whales of Alaska’s Cook Inlet were in danger. And their decision will affect the number of major Alaska projects such as an expansion of the port of Anchorage, or additional offshore oil and gas drilling. “The Cook Inlet beluga population declined nearly 50 percent between 1994 and 1998, based on annual scientific surveys. NOAA scientists estimated the Cook Inlet beluga population at 375 for both 2007 and 2008. Estimates have varied from a high of 653 belugas in 1994 to a low of 278 belugas in 2005” (NOAA Lists Cook Inlet Beluga Whales as Endangered, 2008, para. 5). However Sarah Palin, who is the Republican vice presidential candidate and the governor of the state of Alaska, disagreed with the government decision because she thinks that it is untimely. In addition, Palin, in discontent about the environmental protection problem, refused the listing of Beluga whales on the endangered list for the reason that the scientific proof was not enough; even though the concern that low population of beluga whales in Cook Inlet was regarded seriously for many years, Palin said that it is untimely. According to Kenneth, Palin had said that “an unnecessary federal listing and designation of critical habitat would do serious long term damage to the vibrant economy of the Cook Inlet area.” Her lobby to delay the listing decision about whales was successful in April. The further delay would be harmful. The Cook Inlet population hampered recovery because of the development and industrial activities encompassing those related to oil and gas exploration. However, this behavior causes excessive problems in the future. If we care about Beluga after their populations has almost disappeared on the earth, it is already too late. And we will be required to pay exorbitant costs. So, this is very dangerous thinking that is not conscious of the importance of situation that Belugas are threatened. We should know that we are also part of the environment. Everything will affect people soon. We should find a solution to help dying animals and to protect our life.
In conclusion, several hundred thousand whales are dying in the ocean at the moment. The many environmental problems are often connected with people’s profit. Belugas’ habitats are decreasing through indiscreet development by people who only pursue their own profit. “That has the potential to affect major Alaska projects including an expansion of the Port of Anchorage, additional offshore oil and gas drilling, a proposed $600 million bridge connecting Anchorage to Palin's hometown of Wasilla and a massive coal mine 45 miles south of Anchorage” (Joling, 2008, para. 5). Beluga whale requires our help and protection because to recover their population by themselves is something beyond their power now. We should know that they are in danger because of the environmental change, various kinds of whaling, and human effects. Therefore we should protect them. And we know that the greatest factor of the environmental pollution is the human. A big cause of global warming is carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has continued to increase with industrial development. The global warming is not natural; it results from human activity. Therefore, the people should take responsibility for making these problems. The earth is not only the monopoly of the people. If we are not concerned about these problems, we will be in danger in the near future. The people are connected with the environment and with each other. Therefore, we have to be interested in protecting them. Also, the government should encourage people to have environmental consciousness about Beluga whales facing danger, and should make the strong provisions to protect them. We should know that it is a big problem and it is not only a problem for the Beluga whale.
Atkinson, L. (2007, July 21). Fishy Business – Dissemination Canada & Alaska – Destination Canada & Alaska. Weekend Australian. Retrieved November 5, 2008 from Lexis Nexis database.
Blatchford, A. (2008, March 13). Beluga quotas hurt, Inuit say; Whale hunters say a key food source – and aboriginal culture – is at stake. The Globe and Mail (Canada.) Retrieved November 6, 2008 from Lexis Nexis database.
Galbraith, K. (2008, October 17). Alaska’s Beluga Whale Listed as Endangered. The New York Times. Retrieved November 30, 2008 from
The Gazette. (2007, September 3) 'No sign of recovery' for St. Lawrence beluga; Still
Suffering: Toxic pesticides dumped into river over 25 years ago are stored in whales' fat. The Gazette (Montreal). Retrieved November 5, 2008 from Lexis Nexis databas
Hirsch T. (2005, October 5). Animals ‘hit by global warming’. BBC NEWS. Retrieved December 1,2008, from
Joling, D. (2008, October 17). Government declares beluga whale endangered. The Associated Press. Retrieved October 28, 2008 from
Weiss, R. (2008, October 18). Beluga whales declared endangered; the federal listing of the Alaska population had been opposed by Gov. Sarah Palin, who called it ‘premature.’,Kenneth Times Staff Writer. Retrieved December 1, 2008 from Lexis Nexis database.
NOAA Lists Cook Inlet Beluga Whales as Endangered. (2008, October 17). NOAA. Retrieved November 30, 2008 from
Peritz, I. (2007, August 7). What’s happening to Canada’s belugas? The Globe and Mail (Canada). Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database.
Pfeiffer, S. (2007, August 22). Aquarium offers some personal time with beluga whales. The Boston Globe. Retrieved November 5, 2008 from Lexis Nexis database.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Online Shopping
“Online shopping has become a convenient alternative to the traditional brick-and-mortar store” (Ball, 2008, para.1). These days, the people who want to buy a product Online are increasing due to be the increasing popularity of using the internet. I also used online shopping when I lived in my country usually. Online shopping is so popular and common, because it provides much strength even though many consumers have complaints each year. “According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, there were over 205,000 complaints of Internet commerce-related fraud reported in 2004. The more than 184,000 consumers who paid money to the companies about which they were complaining paid a median amount of $214” (Robertson, 2006, para. 1).
It already has became part of daily life, and large numbers of people are using it because we know it gives many advantages to our life; for example, we can get the products at a low price, find the products whenever we want easily, and save time and expense while buying. Online shopping makes our life convenient (Roberson, 2006). It is true even though it has risk. We do not give it up.
We can get the product that we want cheaper than buying in an offline shop because there is no distributions. And we can get the good bargain by comparing prices online. “Online is not only a timesaver, but it allows you it get great deals when you compare prices” (Roberson, 2006, para.1). Recently, many web sites only for comparing prices especially have come into being on the internet.
We can find various products most easily. It is much more convenient to buy the product by internet. And we do not need go to many shops looking for goods that we want. We can buy the product, pay the money, and get goods by just clicking; we can do everything for buying at the home. “It has provided a method of easily finding what you’re looking for or the best price without ever leaving your home” (Ball, 2008, para.2). We do not need to go to outside for buying something that we might buy.
We can save our time and expense for shopping. We can buy whenever we want even though we do not have enough time, or even if that time is in the night or early morning, because there is no closing time. In addition, if we use online shopping, we can reduce our expenses for buying something that we want. We do not need go to another country, even if the product is in another country.
In conclusion, online shopping has much attractiveness to our life even though we cannot see the real product. We do not need to go outside to purchase goods. We can buy the goods without many costs for shopping. And we can get the goods in a less complicated way. Therefore, numerous people will use shopping online more and more.
Ball, G. (2008, April 15). Is using a credit –card for online purchases safe? Education Redefined. Retrieved December 4, 2008 from,1384,86674-5031-17009,00.html
Roberson, C. (2006, January 3). Stay safe while shopping online. Majon International. Retrieved December 4, 2008 from
It already has became part of daily life, and large numbers of people are using it because we know it gives many advantages to our life; for example, we can get the products at a low price, find the products whenever we want easily, and save time and expense while buying. Online shopping makes our life convenient (Roberson, 2006). It is true even though it has risk. We do not give it up.
We can get the product that we want cheaper than buying in an offline shop because there is no distributions. And we can get the good bargain by comparing prices online. “Online is not only a timesaver, but it allows you it get great deals when you compare prices” (Roberson, 2006, para.1). Recently, many web sites only for comparing prices especially have come into being on the internet.
We can find various products most easily. It is much more convenient to buy the product by internet. And we do not need go to many shops looking for goods that we want. We can buy the product, pay the money, and get goods by just clicking; we can do everything for buying at the home. “It has provided a method of easily finding what you’re looking for or the best price without ever leaving your home” (Ball, 2008, para.2). We do not need to go to outside for buying something that we might buy.
We can save our time and expense for shopping. We can buy whenever we want even though we do not have enough time, or even if that time is in the night or early morning, because there is no closing time. In addition, if we use online shopping, we can reduce our expenses for buying something that we want. We do not need go to another country, even if the product is in another country.
In conclusion, online shopping has much attractiveness to our life even though we cannot see the real product. We do not need to go outside to purchase goods. We can buy the goods without many costs for shopping. And we can get the goods in a less complicated way. Therefore, numerous people will use shopping online more and more.
Ball, G. (2008, April 15). Is using a credit –card for online purchases safe? Education Redefined. Retrieved December 4, 2008 from,1384,86674-5031-17009,00.html
Roberson, C. (2006, January 3). Stay safe while shopping online. Majon International. Retrieved December 4, 2008 from
FE#7 Food between Korean and U.S
A grain like rice and vegetable usually are not missing from a Korean table. Rice is the staple food for Korean people. So, we cannot live without rice, like bread is for Americans. I think that most of American food is oily, creamy, and sweeter than Korean food. When I came here for the first two months, I grained 8kg in my weight. It gave an exorbitant shock to me. However, my weight came back to me, luckily, after I moved to a house from the dormitory, even though I did not do anything for my weight except changing my meal to Korean style from American style. I realized the culprit that gave the weight to me was American food! That is because I ate American food every meal for two months. It is not that I do not like American style food. But I can realize one thing through this case; Korean food is better than American style food for diet! Do you have problems for your weight? If you say “yes”, I recommend a Korean table to you.
Monday, December 1, 2008
J/Q 6 Memories with my junior high school friends.
I have two friends. They are two girls of my best friends I was same class with them when I was senior in junior high school. The interesting point is that one girl’s appearance of two girls is very similar with me. So, people often mistake that my friend is me or me is my friend. And people always asked about whether we are sister or not when we were together. Even if some people believed that we are twins, if we lie to them. That time with them, I felt that going to the school is really happy for the first time in one’s life. I enjoyed going to the school sincerity. I think that I can never forget my 14 years old because I can’t say my school life without them even though I spent just one year in junior high school. That time was most exciting, interesting, amusing moment in whole my life until now. We are similar but different each other. We always made up for the weak points each other. Whenever I remind my 14 years old with my friends, I can’t stop laugh because my dear memories with them. We are still best friends each other. I know that I can never return that time. So, I miss that time more and more. I swear that if I was not with my friends, my life was empty. That time, they were my life. And I also was their life. I still love my friends. I will love my friends forever.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
FE#6 Vacation activities
Most of my vacation days were with travel. Every vacation, I plan a trip. Sometimes I traveled abroad. Sometimes it was just travel in my country. I love an adventure. So, I always try to find new things. I hope that I see and feel to touch a lot of things in my life. I traveled to Europe for a month on summer vacation in 2006. I traveled my country last summer vacation for 22 days through only walking on foot. It was a very hard time for me. Some people often say that was crazy about that. But, I do not think so, and I do not regret my choice, because I got a number of things like patience as much as I got the hardship. One of the numerous reasons that I love travel is that I can be more mature and get a wide field of vision after travel.
Monday, November 17, 2008
J/Q#5 I love alone and l hate alone too.
I love alone and l hate alone too. I know that I can’t live without people’s smell. I love people. But it is not mean that I do not enjoy alone time. I had a lot of time just for me in my country even though I am usually with my friends in here. Anybody often have alone time. Alone time, it means a lot of things to me. Actually, it is important contributor to make me of now. It has various faces. Every day, it change the face depends on my feeling and my situation of that time. Sometimes it changes as my best friend who cheers up me when I was tired because of big test, or a lot of homework. Sometimes it changes as my teacher who helps self examination for me. And Sometimes it changes as my advisor who helps to think a fear about my future that I cannot see. However it also change as evil. It makes me that I have a lot of worry when I was depressed. I think that it make to mature me more. So, I am going to have a lot of alone time for me in the future. I cannot live without people but I cannot live without time only for me. I like time only for me, but I do not like alone. I know that we can't know the value of together without loneliness.
Monday, November 10, 2008
FE#5 Election
November 4, 2008, I heard that a lot of people shout with joy when I went outside at on 10: 30 at night. First time, I did not realize what had happened to them. After a little while, I thought this moment was the second most historic in U.S history since the American Revolution of the 13 colonies from Britain. Actually, I was surprised that a large number of guys were interested in politics. Maybe, it is not true. I think that because this election was special. Because is he Obama? Or he is African American? Whatever, I hope he changes a lot of things affirmatively. Congratulations! You got the new president. I feel marvelous that I am living at this moment in the U.S.
J/Q#4 Dreams? Faith!
I am still wandering. I have interesting to the numerous things. First, I want to become a mathematics teacher when I was study in junior high school. That time, I really like my mathematics teacher so I studied for getting the attention of my teacher. My score was always first of my classmate even though I did not study hard. Soon I was got a charm from mathematics. However I was lose interesting about mathematics after my teacher stopped teaching for a marriage. Then, my dream for math teacher was broken also. Second, when I was high school student, I always was with radio wherever. After came back to school, my first job was that tune on the radio even though I do not listen that. Every day night, I could not sleep well because time of my favorite program was from Pm 10 to Am 2 or 3. I really enjoyed that. The most reason that I love the radio was music. They often introduced the music that I never listen. So, I could not sleep easily because I worried that I lost good music that I did not know. That was my life. I have listened to music from classic to rock, every all kind of music. And I have liked the writing about my feeling and thinking on my blog or homepage, reading the novel too. So, I dreamed become the radio writer. However, it was also broken by choosing the finance as my major on the University. Now, I look like that I lost the way, actually right. But, I got the unshaken faith through these experiences about my life. I always worried for future so I hesitated to do everything. But, I realized if I hesitate and worry before I try something, I cannot do anything in my life. And if I live just for the future, I never can be happy for the present. I live now, not for future. so, I am happy now.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
FE #4 Halloween with Carbondale.
The most surprising thing was that some of Carbondale’s bars cannot open on Halloween. Every year, Carbondale’s’ people often got hurt on Halloween. So, Carbondale forbade bars and kegs. It was a very sad story for me. But I found out that it is just for some bars. And I don’t drink beer. So, it can’t be problem to me anymore. As a result, I can enjoy Halloween in the bar with music, friends, and some drink. I am really happy now because I have other choices. I love parties. Thank you for Carbondale.
S/R#2 Beluga and Human
In Jolings’ (2008) article, “Government declares beluga whale endangered”, the government proclaimed that the beluga whales of Alaska’s Cook Inlet are in danger. And their decision will affect the number of major Alaska projects such as an expansion of the port of Anchorage, or additional offshore oil and gas drilling. However Sarah Palin, who is the Republican vice presidential candidate and the governor of the state of Alaska, dsagrees with government decision. In addition, Palin in discontent about the environmental protection problem refuses the listing of Beluga whales on the endangered list for the reason that the scientific proof is not enough, while we cannot be sure about survival of the Beluga. Although the concern that low population of beluga whales in Cook Inlet was regarded seriously for many years, Palin said that it is untimely. Her lobby to delay the listing decision about whales was successful in April. The further delay would be harmful. The Cook Inlet population hampered recovery because of the development and industrial activities encompassing those related to oil and gas exploration. The environmentalists are glad about the federal decision. Belugas eat the salmon, smaller fish, crab, shrimp, squid and clams. And the killer whales are natural enemies of them. A question of why the population had not recovered still remains. Besides, there are other concerns about their distribution, not only in numbers. They aren’t coming after moving to northern Cook Inlet near Anchorage in recent years. The noise and pollution connected with industrialization of the inlet prevents recovery. And other factors such as global warming, changing ocean conditions and higher temperatures in salmon streams will affect it. Beluga is a solitary endangered population in Alaska waters.
I know that their population is not many in the ocean anymore and their habitats are also decreasing more. Actually, Beluga is regarded as endangered animals in some countries. They face a number of dangers such as developing of the ocean, whaling under the name of scientific purpose, and noise because of human activity. And it is clearly true that they need help for their existence.
First, the federal government should take the safe plan to protect the belugas’ habitat. The destruction of their inhabitation by developing the ocean, for example by constructing a dam, causes them to lose their habitat. For example, the Cook Inlet in Alaska is their major habitat. However, recently, the oil drilling affects the reduction of their population or makes them to move another place. Also, it can cause exorbitant pollution in the ocean because of the oil spillage events. So, they need a safe measure to prevent their habitat from this exploitation.
Second, we should maintain close watch on whaling for scientific research data about whales. Numerous whales are still caught by people who have a scientific purpose. However, now, whales that are caught for the purpose of studying are sold in markets of Japan. Also, some meat of whales is provided for meals of students. This story is not Belugas’. However, if these are continued, we would not say that Beluga is an exception in the future, because already some countries such as Norway are catching the Belugas.
Finally, we should make efforts to prevent noise pollution. Belugas, which are called canaries of the sea, communicate with each other by a variety of sounds. However, because of a change of circumstances that the noise pollution of ocean depths has taken a serious turn, a number of belugas are losing their sense of direction through being annoyed by noises. As a result, it has become one of the causes that they go to their death. The biggest factors that cause the noise pollution that makes Belugas die are searching for crude oil, natural gas, and increasing vessels of traffic volume. Therefore, we should make a treaty to require the equipment for prevention of noise of everyone who makes noise that affects the Beluga in the ocean.
In conclusion, the many environmental problems are often connected with people’s profit. Belugas’ inhabitations are decreasing through indiscreet development by people who only pursue their profit. The federal government should think about the harmful effect that the exploitation gives to them and make regulations before approving the permissions of the ocean.
Joling, D. (2008, October 17). Government declares beluga whale endangered The Associated Press. Retrieved October 28, 2008 from
I know that their population is not many in the ocean anymore and their habitats are also decreasing more. Actually, Beluga is regarded as endangered animals in some countries. They face a number of dangers such as developing of the ocean, whaling under the name of scientific purpose, and noise because of human activity. And it is clearly true that they need help for their existence.
First, the federal government should take the safe plan to protect the belugas’ habitat. The destruction of their inhabitation by developing the ocean, for example by constructing a dam, causes them to lose their habitat. For example, the Cook Inlet in Alaska is their major habitat. However, recently, the oil drilling affects the reduction of their population or makes them to move another place. Also, it can cause exorbitant pollution in the ocean because of the oil spillage events. So, they need a safe measure to prevent their habitat from this exploitation.
Second, we should maintain close watch on whaling for scientific research data about whales. Numerous whales are still caught by people who have a scientific purpose. However, now, whales that are caught for the purpose of studying are sold in markets of Japan. Also, some meat of whales is provided for meals of students. This story is not Belugas’. However, if these are continued, we would not say that Beluga is an exception in the future, because already some countries such as Norway are catching the Belugas.
Finally, we should make efforts to prevent noise pollution. Belugas, which are called canaries of the sea, communicate with each other by a variety of sounds. However, because of a change of circumstances that the noise pollution of ocean depths has taken a serious turn, a number of belugas are losing their sense of direction through being annoyed by noises. As a result, it has become one of the causes that they go to their death. The biggest factors that cause the noise pollution that makes Belugas die are searching for crude oil, natural gas, and increasing vessels of traffic volume. Therefore, we should make a treaty to require the equipment for prevention of noise of everyone who makes noise that affects the Beluga in the ocean.
In conclusion, the many environmental problems are often connected with people’s profit. Belugas’ inhabitations are decreasing through indiscreet development by people who only pursue their profit. The federal government should think about the harmful effect that the exploitation gives to them and make regulations before approving the permissions of the ocean.
Joling, D. (2008, October 17). Government declares beluga whale endangered The Associated Press. Retrieved October 28, 2008 from
Monday, November 3, 2008
J/Q #3 Death & Holiday
Today, we don’t have holiday about death even though we have a lot of holiday every month on the year in Korea. We have holidays that mourn for the dead such as Armed Forces Day of Korea, the Memorial Day of Korea. I remember that we had a bugaboo day when my grandmother lives, long time ago. The old times, a lot of people believed that the bugaboo day, they should stay at home and close every doors and windows for protecting the bugaboo come to in house. I guess that an epidemic made a bugaboo day. Those times, many people had problems about an epidemic and lot of people died by a pestilence. As a result, peoples’ fear about epidemic made the bugaboo. However, according to developing medical, we can be saved many people from an epidemic. So, this superstition became disappear in the history. The people realized the bugaboo is not real. So, the day doesn’t be anymore in Korea. I think Halloween is far this case of Korea, but Halloween is also connected with fear or terror from death even if I don’t know about the origin of Halloween well. Halloween becomes interesting culture of U.S.A even though that the beginning was about death. It is affirmative way. I don’t think that the death means only bad things. I believe that because of death is exist, life also have the value in our life. And we can think more precious about life. I appreciate that I live and I will die someday. I wish that we have holidays like Halloween in Korea too. I like Halloween. And last Halloween was so exciting experience for me in Carbondale. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
FE#3 Fall Holiday
A long time ago, we had a bugaboo day. But now we have just two fall holidays in Korea. First, October 3 is the National Foundation Day of Korea. Second. August 15 based on lunar calendar is Chuseok. Chuseok is really similar with Thanksgiving Day because it is also made for celebrating harvest. But Chuseok has another meaning too. Chuseok is a day that the moon is extremely close to the earth once in a year. So, most Koreans pray for the in wish to the full moon when time becomes midnight. We regard that the moon is sanctity. So, Chuseok is big holiday after New Year’s day. I love that, because my mother makes a lot of my favorite food in Chuseok.
S/R#1 Belugas Whales in Danger
In Peritz’s (2007) article, “What’s happening to Canada’s belugas?” , in spite of there are efforts of many people to protect the Belugas Whales, they are still in the moment of danger. They have been in danger of extinction since the 1980s and have stopped growing in number after they had experienced plummeting at the time in their population. The scientists worry about their survival. According to Dr. Lesage, their population is bad now because population is stable at 1000; it will be a serious problem. Although the mystery about the whale population’s stagflation continues to exist, pollution and human harassment are considered as factors. There are many research studies and discoveries about that. Also, their longevity makes if how long to protect themselves the bodies from pollution. On the one hand, also it shows that the young beluga cannot protect itself from pollution. In addition, although federal regulations were made to protect whales from effects of tourism, many people do not want to keep the regulations. And the department approves education because of existence of people who do not have environmental consciousness.
I am sure that numerous lives on the earth are going in danger. The environmental pollution is a fatal menace to Beluga Whales. And we know that the greatest factor of the environmental pollution is the human. Therefore, we have to be interested in protecting them. Also, the government should encourage people to have environmental consciousness about Beluga whales facing in danger, and should make the strong provisions to protect them.
First, tourists have to be required not only to follow strong rules but also to receive education about them. As previously mentioned, one of the sources of intimidation is tourists. Most tourists do not know the perils that Belugas whales face. Some tourists do not even recognize how they affect Belugas whales with their behavior. So, they need education before they go to see the Belugas.
Second, a number of belugas whales are also dying because of industrial wastes and mass stranding. Often, people have used the ocean as trash cans for many of their wastes for just their own profit. These people usually have false thinking that the ocean can dispose of all of their garbage even if it has become the cause of every sea problem. Also, the events such as oil spill or a crash with vessel are one of causes of their deaths.
Finally, they need to be protect as mammalians by the law. Most countries have a ban on whaling today. However some countries such as Japan, Russia, Chile, and Peru still approve whaling. Norway is a representative country in whaling. Furthermore, in the case of Canada, they ignore the counsel that bans whaling from the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Although Belugas live to a great age and their viability is high, the number of dying Belugas is increasing because of pollution or accidents every year. In addition, they propagate themselves very slowly, because they breed just a young in two or three years. So, if whaling is even continued by the people, the whales will disappear in the near future.
In conclusion, very early, nature warned to us as to the variety of our methods. However, we connived at our own fault every times. Several hundred thousands of whales are dying in the ocean at the moment. Therefore, we have to consider education of tourists, the prevention of the pollution, and the law to protect them from whaling directly. It is never easy. However we should do that, and we need constant to improve our lives with them.
Peritz, I. (2007, August 7). What’s happening to Canada’s belugas? The Globe and Mail (Canada). Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Lexis Nexus database.
I am sure that numerous lives on the earth are going in danger. The environmental pollution is a fatal menace to Beluga Whales. And we know that the greatest factor of the environmental pollution is the human. Therefore, we have to be interested in protecting them. Also, the government should encourage people to have environmental consciousness about Beluga whales facing in danger, and should make the strong provisions to protect them.
First, tourists have to be required not only to follow strong rules but also to receive education about them. As previously mentioned, one of the sources of intimidation is tourists. Most tourists do not know the perils that Belugas whales face. Some tourists do not even recognize how they affect Belugas whales with their behavior. So, they need education before they go to see the Belugas.
Second, a number of belugas whales are also dying because of industrial wastes and mass stranding. Often, people have used the ocean as trash cans for many of their wastes for just their own profit. These people usually have false thinking that the ocean can dispose of all of their garbage even if it has become the cause of every sea problem. Also, the events such as oil spill or a crash with vessel are one of causes of their deaths.
Finally, they need to be protect as mammalians by the law. Most countries have a ban on whaling today. However some countries such as Japan, Russia, Chile, and Peru still approve whaling. Norway is a representative country in whaling. Furthermore, in the case of Canada, they ignore the counsel that bans whaling from the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Although Belugas live to a great age and their viability is high, the number of dying Belugas is increasing because of pollution or accidents every year. In addition, they propagate themselves very slowly, because they breed just a young in two or three years. So, if whaling is even continued by the people, the whales will disappear in the near future.
In conclusion, very early, nature warned to us as to the variety of our methods. However, we connived at our own fault every times. Several hundred thousands of whales are dying in the ocean at the moment. Therefore, we have to consider education of tourists, the prevention of the pollution, and the law to protect them from whaling directly. It is never easy. However we should do that, and we need constant to improve our lives with them.
Peritz, I. (2007, August 7). What’s happening to Canada’s belugas? The Globe and Mail (Canada). Retrieved October 21, 2008, from Lexis Nexus database.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
J/Q#2 What is relationship? Are you sure you fall in true love?
What is relationship? Are you sure you fall in true love?
There are a lot of relationships in the world. A number of songs sing about love. And, Love is a common topic of the world. However, although many people have the relationship with someone now, they ever can sure about their relationship is true love? Whoever can define what love is? That is just mystery never don't solve forever. Actually, I don't believe love with guy because I don't know what love is yet. Unfortunately, I never have seen the real love in the anywhere. So, I don't like use the word 'love' even though to my boyfriend. And I don't like promise about forever of our relationship. Who can know? Who can sure their relationship will be forever. Anybody didn't sure about that. But I really wonder to everyone these. How can you sure? Because just you feel that you fall in love now? Many time, I also experienced that feeling like I fall in love whenever I like someone. But I don't say that is my love, which was my love because I know that feeling is always just that moment. After that time, we will be alone again. Whenever I start relationship with someone, I always worry about our relationship in future. I mean our relationship after good bye. So, actually, I scare to start the relationship with someone. I don't want to give and get the hurt to any people because I know we love as much as we got the pain after good bye. So, I don't love now, I don't say that as love.
Are you in love? If you are yes, please tell me what love is. This question, this topic is what I'd like to ask to you. Although my expression is in clumsy, Thanks for reading.
There are a lot of relationships in the world. A number of songs sing about love. And, Love is a common topic of the world. However, although many people have the relationship with someone now, they ever can sure about their relationship is true love? Whoever can define what love is? That is just mystery never don't solve forever. Actually, I don't believe love with guy because I don't know what love is yet. Unfortunately, I never have seen the real love in the anywhere. So, I don't like use the word 'love' even though to my boyfriend. And I don't like promise about forever of our relationship. Who can know? Who can sure their relationship will be forever. Anybody didn't sure about that. But I really wonder to everyone these. How can you sure? Because just you feel that you fall in love now? Many time, I also experienced that feeling like I fall in love whenever I like someone. But I don't say that is my love, which was my love because I know that feeling is always just that moment. After that time, we will be alone again. Whenever I start relationship with someone, I always worry about our relationship in future. I mean our relationship after good bye. So, actually, I scare to start the relationship with someone. I don't want to give and get the hurt to any people because I know we love as much as we got the pain after good bye. So, I don't love now, I don't say that as love.
Are you in love? If you are yes, please tell me what love is. This question, this topic is what I'd like to ask to you. Although my expression is in clumsy, Thanks for reading.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
J/Q #1 Rest
I did not go anywhere on my break time. Some my friends treveled to the Chicago or the Las Vegas. However, I just enjoy my time in Carbondale. I had a good night's rest everyday without worry about essay, quiz,and homework. And I spent most the time with my friends. I often walked and pictured in the Carbondale. It gave the pleasure to me. I like the Carbondale, but my time that I can stay here is almost finishing. So, I wanted to see everything about Carbondale. Maybe, I cannot get the break time Next term.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
FE #2 Communication
FE #2
There are a number of ways to be in contact with friends. I use a Korean Homepage, and chat. These are really interesting for me. First, the Korean homepage has many abilities like Facebook. I can put everything that I want on my home page, because it has many boards for diaries, photos, essays, videos, etc. Most Korean people are used to updating their photo and contacting their friends. However, I am usually used to writing the essay about my feelings, thinking, and experiences and to contacting friends. I really enjoy writing and reading. And, I used the chat more than cell-phone when I was living in Korea. The chat is more exciting. The cell-phone has a limit of time. Although I sometimes want to talk with friends a long time, I cannot do that by cell-phone, because it requires a lot of money. But the chat does not. So, I usually use the homepage or chat.
FE #2
There are a number of ways to be in contact with friends. I use a Korean Homepage, and chat. These are really interesting for me. First, the Korean homepage has many abilities like Facebook. I can put everything that I want on my home page, because it has many boards for diaries, photos, essays, videos, etc. Most Korean people are used to updating their photo and contacting their friends. However, I am usually used to writing the essay about my feelings, thinking, and experiences and to contacting friends. I really enjoy writing and reading. And, I used the chat more than cell-phone when I was living in Korea. The chat is more exciting. The cell-phone has a limit of time. Although I sometimes want to talk with friends a long time, I cannot do that by cell-phone, because it requires a lot of money. But the chat does not. So, I usually use the homepage or chat.
S/R Practice 'Impact of Climate Change'
Summary & Response
October 21, 2008
Impact of Climate Change
In Hirsch’s (2005) article, “Animals ‘hit by global warming’”, climate change affects environment negatively. Because of the change, many animals already have started to move to other places to searching for their habitat. It is a kind of a global warming. In early days, scientists noticed that point. The wide migration patterns of some animals are associated with the global warming. Although many species have been able to adapt to new changes, some animals are not. Subtle changes of temperature are affecting a wild scope. And it deprived them of food in the oceans. So, now, they feel necessity to find a solution to help animals. Animals do not have many choices anymore. In addition, they are dying because there are no places for them.
It is apparent that animals are in danger because of changes of temperature in this article. The earth is warming more because of carbon dioxide. And animals are affected by environmental change even though it is a small variation in temperature. They are able to notice a change more easily than people. Also, the rising temperature is affects the ocean, the land, and the ecosystem. Ultimately, it will affect people too. Therefore, we should know that we are also part of the environment. It will affect people soon. We should find a solution to help dying animals and to protect our life.
First, the greatest problems are a rise of the sea level because of melting of glaciers. It makes the dominoes’ effect that escalates in other areas. The glacier acts to cool the earth because it reflects sunshine. If reflection of the sunshine becomes low, the sea temperature will be high, according as the ocean absorbs the sunshine. As a result, a vicious circle is repeated that a number of glaciers thaw because of raised sea temperature again. Also, it means dramatic climate change. It even can make people who did not adapt to dramatic climate change get to die. Therefore, we should know that it is a big problem.
Next, if the water vapors of in the atmosphere rise because of global warming, the average of precipitation will rise. It is able to cause a flood, or drought. Also, it makes fatal contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and cholera easy to spread. In addition, it affects the plants. Now, many alpine plants are placed in a crisis of extinction. Because their harvests are decreasing every year due to global warming, famers have distresses every year. The impact of global warming is wide.
Finally, a big cause of global warming has carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is continued to increase with industrial development. The global warming is not natural, it results from human activity. Therefore, the people should take responsibility for making these problems. The earth is not only the monopoly of the people. If we are not concerned about these problems, we will be in danger in the near future. The people are connected with the environment and with each other.
In conclusion, in the past, the people used the fossil fuel in the industrial development and destroyed the forests in agricultural development. These caused global warming. As a result, it not only caused many disasters like the rise of the sea level, a change in the precipitation, flood, drought, and typhoons, as temperature rose, but also it increased the scale and frequency of disasters. Then, it will threaten the people. For that reason, we should care about environment. We are not able to live without helping nature. These problems are not only for experts anymore. It is not too late yet. We should find out what we can do. We are in nature too.
Hirsch T. (2005, October 5). Animals ‘hit by global warming'. BBC NEWS. Retrieved Otober 20, 2008, from
Summary & Response
October 21, 2008
Impact of Climate Change
In Hirsch’s (2005) article, “Animals ‘hit by global warming’”, climate change affects environment negatively. Because of the change, many animals already have started to move to other places to searching for their habitat. It is a kind of a global warming. In early days, scientists noticed that point. The wide migration patterns of some animals are associated with the global warming. Although many species have been able to adapt to new changes, some animals are not. Subtle changes of temperature are affecting a wild scope. And it deprived them of food in the oceans. So, now, they feel necessity to find a solution to help animals. Animals do not have many choices anymore. In addition, they are dying because there are no places for them.
It is apparent that animals are in danger because of changes of temperature in this article. The earth is warming more because of carbon dioxide. And animals are affected by environmental change even though it is a small variation in temperature. They are able to notice a change more easily than people. Also, the rising temperature is affects the ocean, the land, and the ecosystem. Ultimately, it will affect people too. Therefore, we should know that we are also part of the environment. It will affect people soon. We should find a solution to help dying animals and to protect our life.
First, the greatest problems are a rise of the sea level because of melting of glaciers. It makes the dominoes’ effect that escalates in other areas. The glacier acts to cool the earth because it reflects sunshine. If reflection of the sunshine becomes low, the sea temperature will be high, according as the ocean absorbs the sunshine. As a result, a vicious circle is repeated that a number of glaciers thaw because of raised sea temperature again. Also, it means dramatic climate change. It even can make people who did not adapt to dramatic climate change get to die. Therefore, we should know that it is a big problem.
Next, if the water vapors of in the atmosphere rise because of global warming, the average of precipitation will rise. It is able to cause a flood, or drought. Also, it makes fatal contagious diseases such as tuberculosis and cholera easy to spread. In addition, it affects the plants. Now, many alpine plants are placed in a crisis of extinction. Because their harvests are decreasing every year due to global warming, famers have distresses every year. The impact of global warming is wide.
Finally, a big cause of global warming has carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is continued to increase with industrial development. The global warming is not natural, it results from human activity. Therefore, the people should take responsibility for making these problems. The earth is not only the monopoly of the people. If we are not concerned about these problems, we will be in danger in the near future. The people are connected with the environment and with each other.
In conclusion, in the past, the people used the fossil fuel in the industrial development and destroyed the forests in agricultural development. These caused global warming. As a result, it not only caused many disasters like the rise of the sea level, a change in the precipitation, flood, drought, and typhoons, as temperature rose, but also it increased the scale and frequency of disasters. Then, it will threaten the people. For that reason, we should care about environment. We are not able to live without helping nature. These problems are not only for experts anymore. It is not too late yet. We should find out what we can do. We are in nature too.
Hirsch T. (2005, October 5). Animals ‘hit by global warming'. BBC NEWS. Retrieved Otober 20, 2008, from
Friday, October 17, 2008
FE#1 Travel with Bicycle
I do not like big city because there are many people, cars, and buildings. It makes everything a crush. In addition, Koreans usually prefer to use the car whenever, wherever. So, most traffic on the street is heavy. And we have the experience of traffic jams very often. These make so tired for me and are one of the reasons why I prefer the bicycle. The bicycle is useful. It does not require money for me. It only requires my two legs. This is really good for me and the environment. Also, I can go and stop whenever, wherever I want. So, if I want, I can go even though it is forest. And I do not need a big place for parking like cars do. This is a great charm to me.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I'm so sorry, I do not prefer drink Coffee.
I am sorry, but I often do not enjoy the coffee. I think that a cause is my parents. Because my mother indoctrinated me with an idea. When I was younger, my mother always said that if you drink the coffee, you will get the a dull mind. Also, my father did not like that I drink it. Because he thought that the gredients into the coffee would injure a growing child. So, now, I cannot handle the coffee. Sometimes, though I drinked just a cup of coffee I cannot get to sleep easily in the days that I drink it. But, not that I dislike the coffee. I like Caramel Macchiato and Caramle Frappuccino in the starbucks. In addition, I like green tea and black tea. But I do not drink green tea in the night or before a sleep. Contrary our expectations that green tea is good for health, It is disturb a sleep.
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Josee, The Tiger And The Fish, 2003"
A number of korean love the movie. However, in Korea Movie industry is not good because there are no many sponsor. And, if there are no well known actor, Korean do not see the movie. In addition, the actor have the most a guarantee of movie so there are no monney for making film. Actually, it is big problem so always it is become issue. Often, I can see that many actor did boycott in the television. In the past, we liked the Hollywood movie. However, now, most Korean prefer the Korean movie to Hollywood movie except me. I like the Japanese movie. My best is "Josee, The Tiger And The Fish, 2003". It is perfect for me! I always recomend to everyone when I meet the new friends who interest the movie. In addition, I really like director of this movie. I saw most of his movie. I hope that the everyone see the his movie,"Josee, The Tiger And The Fish, 2003".
Monday, September 15, 2008
listen to the music
I do not like that eats only what I likes because it makes my health that lean to one side. So, I always try to get over my likes and dislikes in the all part such as my thinking, my taste,and my attitude. The music also same to me. I try to listen all kind of music and I enjoy to find new music. Specially, I have a taste for the piano and violin music very often. My first working was that turn on the stereo when I come back from the school. So I have many piano's CD in Korea. But, I didn't bring the my CD in Carbondale anything! I really miss my CD because I've never listen to the my CD after I came in Carbondale although I am ready, even eager, to listen to the my CD! And I like a recital more than a ensemble. A piano solo is very interesting for me. And, Now, I am interesting to the American pop!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My love food !
I really enjoy eating! I think that I love every food so often my friends sure that I can eat everything, and I do not dislike any food. When I got the stress or I depressed, it amused me from eating. It is my good friends and pleasure. So, I have many good friends. I like spicy friends and sea friends. I think that the kimchi, Korean food, is best friends for me and everyone because it is good to the taste and the health. In Korea, it put on the table of the most people for meal always; But, actually, it is very difficult question for me because I cannot choose only one. Sometimes, althought it is problem to me because I eat too much, I will love it still!
Monday, September 1, 2008
My first reaction for study in U.S.A
The most problem was my parents when I decide that I am going to study in U.S.A. They did not want that I study in U.S.A because they worried about my life in U.S.A. They want that I get the job, after I graduate my university in the Korea. So, I should persuade my parents. That was hard time to me because my father was strong specially. However, the first, I persuade my mother, then my mother was become my best sponsor. She helped that I change his mind. As a result, I could come here. They believe me and I love them. And, their belief makes my life in U.S.A. I really appreciate to them for their belief about me.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
After came back at Museum.
Happy Day at Grandmother’s
This is another painting of Craig’s fondness for everyday life. This painting is entranced four characters that are grandmother, and three children. Background of painting is a sweet home. Grandmother is giving white cookie to a boy. And then, two children who are a boy and girl are peeking furtively in through a door. In 1940, this painting was painted by tempera on paper. This painting is similar the realism from viewpoint of real describes. When moment I saw it, I thought that it is the same ‘Hengel and Gretel’. Actually, even if grandmother is smiling and title is Happy Day at Grandmother’s, I felt that the boy who took a cookie from grandmother is scared.
by B.K
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